I saw this old midi dress, and I instantly got an idea of what to do with it!
The very first thing I did was to make a quick drawing of what I wished to do about the dress.
I started with turning the dress inside out. Then I messured how much of the length I wanted to cut off. I removed about 20 cm. Then I removed the sleeves. 
I used this ribbon to cover the armholes. This ribbon stretches, and therefore it's gread for covering round holes.
I messured how much of the ribbon I needed, then I pinned the ribbon the the armhole.
When the ribbon is sewn on on both sides, it looks like this:
In the bottom of the dress, you simply fold in the edge twice, so that it looks like this:
That's it! Easy as pie :)
I made these cases a few weeks ago, and I've used them almost every day!
You'll need:
Fabric of any kind, just not very stretchy. Further, you'll need a sewing machine and if you desire, an elastic and a button. I chose to use denim fabric for my fourth case.

First, measure how big your phone or whatever you would like to store in your case is and cut the fabric. Fold it double and pin it. If you want to fold your case like I did with my first ones, now is the time to add an elastic.

Sew around the edges, and make sure you leave a gap for turning it inside out.
Now turn it and iron it. If you want, you may add some studs. The button must be attached now.

This one is the easiest option for finishing the case:
Fold it double and sew around the edge. Leave one side for opening the case.

That's it!

You may of course fold it over, but I assume you all know what do do in that case :)
It's very simple to renew your old clothes in a fun and affordable way. To these treats I added some studs and rhinestones on the collars and the front pocket.

To do this, all you need is studs, spikes, rhinestones etc. and something to put them on. I used some shirts that were way too big for me in which I found in a second hand store. I sew them in before decorating them, but that I'll tell you about another time :)

Some kind of a tool to bend in the back of the studs might come in handy. I used just my bare hands, but it was a bit difficult.
This yellow shirt was originally form H&M.