Super easy bracelet made of soda can top pieces. Big plus for being good to the environment!
To make it, you'll need a bunch of soda can top pieces and a piece of ribbon that goes around your wrist three times.
Start with pulling the ribbon through the holes in one of the soda can tops. Make sure to leave the loose ends equally long.
Now place another piece on top of the first one, a little to the left. Pull the ribbon through the holes. Then place a piece to the left of the second one. Pull the ribbon through both of the pieces,  as shown.
Continue with placing pieces under and over the already used pieces. Stop when the bracelet is long enough to go around your wrist.
Tie a knot in the end. Use the loose ends to lock the bracelet. Done!
This simple long pendant necklace is just perfect! And the best part, you can make any figure you'll like :)
To make this necklace, you'll need:
- Some hard plastic, for example an old plastic packaging
- Pins
- Chain and a jump ring
- Glue
- Tools
Prepare the pins by cutting of the sharp part of thee pins with a plier. Make sure you leave no sharp edges.
Also make sure the surface you're working on can handle some spilled glue.
Find out what kind of pattern or figure you want, and lay them as you wish on your surface.
Cut out a piece of the plastic. Then simply glue the pins on to it as you like. Make sure the glue is ment for plastic and metal. 

When the glue is dry, take a pin or some other thing that's sharp, and make a hole just over the pendant. Then carefully cut out the pendant with scissors or a knife. Attach the pendant to a jump ring and a chain.

That was simple, right? :)
Nautical and simple. I love this!
You'll need an earring like seen over (just remove the thread), one or two nuts and some thin rope. Let's get started!
Take a piece of the rope and tie a knot. Tie it over and over again until it can hold the nut without it falling down. Do this with the other nut as well, if you wish to use two. Now tie the two nuts to the pendant. Take another piece of the rope (log enough to reach over your head) and tie a knot making a big loop. Tie this to the pendant.

That's it!
I showed a smaller version of these some time ago, but I found some really cool big safaty pins that I thought would make the perfect statement earrings:
What you'll need is what you see on the pic to the right. You'll need two earhooks, two jump rings and two big safety pins.

The process is no more difficult than attaching the earhooks to the safty pins really. That's it, and you're ready to go!

This is something I threw together in two minutes or so. Everyone can do it!

This is a cute looking colourful bracelet, and it's very easy to make!

This is what you'll need:
Ball chain, thick thread (for example leather), thinner thread (for example embroydery yarn), button, charm or bead as a locket, tools.
Start with folding the thickest thread in two and lay the thinner thread on top of it. Start wrapping the thinner thread around the thicker to lock the thinner thread. Make sure to form a loop for closing the bracelet later. Add the ball chain and start wrapping around it, laying the thread between each ball.  
When almost finished, make a loop with the ball chain and ad the charm, button or bead you want as a locket. Wrap around the ball chain and finish bu pulling the thread under itself and locking it. I used a needle to do this.

Finished! Looks great, right?
I have so many ideas in my head today! These are earrings I've made:
It's easy just grabbing something and make an earring out of it. Everybody should try it sometime! So go on and be creative.

Do it yourself! It's fun <3
Have you ever looked at one of your belongings and thought; Man, why do I even keep this? Well, I thought so about this hairclip. Then I thought; Hey, this is perfectly long enough for making a bracelet!

What you'll need to make this charmed bracelet is a chain (does not necessarily come from a hairclip :) ), a kelp, (maybe) some jump rings, a charm (or whatever you'll like to put on it) and a lock of any kind (this time I simply used a safety pin).

First of all, I removed those feathers and the bobby pin on top of the hairclip. I decided to keep, them, they might come in handy later :). Removing them also gave me five jump rings, so I didn't need any jump rings else than those i already had from the clip.
I kept the jump ring form the feather in the middle, and I put on a charm. I closed the jump ring, and put on one jump ring in one end of the chain. Then I took a small safety pin (the bracelet was just a little too short, but the safety pin made it perfectly long enough for me) and put on a jump ring at the round end of it. Then I closed the jump ring around the other end of the chain.

That's all!

In the left bracelet at the top picture, I've used two different chains. Those were leftovers form earlier projects :)
So, I found out that the other earring was missong, and so I thought "Hey, this can be a bracelet!" :)
You'll need an earring that's wide enough to go around your wrist, two jump rings, a lock of any kind and a kelp or two (to open and close the jump rings)

First, I took off the jump ring that kept the earhook in place. Then I took my lock and a jump ring and attached it to the ring.
I attached the other jump ring to the other side of the ring, and there, you're finished.

Simple as that!
These bracelets are so easy to make, and they are super cute!

All you need is this: A charm or something to put on your bracelet, thread of any kind (just make sure it's not too thick or thin) and scissors. 

Okay, let's get started!
First, I like to make a little drawing of how I want the result to look like :)

The first thing you do, is that you choose your charm and pull the thread through the hole.
Then you take the end of the thread (the one you just pulled through the hole) and take it around the other end two times. Let the end of the shortest end go up (see pic). Take the shortest end through the opening by the charm. Pull it out and through the new gap the thread just made.
Now pull the short end through and make sure the long end is held straight. Make sure your knot slides :)

Do the same thing on the other side, cut of the loose ends, and you're good to go!