Wanna make your own phone cases with unique designs? Take a look here!
To make this cover, you'll need carton, for example a milk or juice carton (just remember to clean it first!), scissors, a pen, a ruler, a wallpaper knife or something similar and some paint if you want to.

First you messure how big your phone is (or other things you want to put in your case). Use a ruler and draw a line were your contents will end. On the other side, you make a flap to pull over the opening, so that you're able to close your case. On the front side, you can make an incision (see pics). Now you cut out the case.
To bend the flap over nicely, take your ruler and a sharp tool, like a butter knife or something and create a mark. This will make it much easier to fold it. Measure how thick your phone is, and make another mark in that distace from the other mark. Now fold.
That's basically it, but if you want to, you can paint your cover or cover it with paper. It's also a good idea to make holes to tie a ribbon through. If your carton is not very soft, you might have some trouble closing it withount something to hold it closed.
There are many different ways to do this, just be creative!

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