These bracelets are so easy to make, and they are super cute!

All you need is this: A charm or something to put on your bracelet, thread of any kind (just make sure it's not too thick or thin) and scissors. 

Okay, let's get started!
First, I like to make a little drawing of how I want the result to look like :)

The first thing you do, is that you choose your charm and pull the thread through the hole.
Then you take the end of the thread (the one you just pulled through the hole) and take it around the other end two times. Let the end of the shortest end go up (see pic). Take the shortest end through the opening by the charm. Pull it out and through the new gap the thread just made.
Now pull the short end through and make sure the long end is held straight. Make sure your knot slides :)

Do the same thing on the other side, cut of the loose ends, and you're good to go!

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